2003 Volleyball results
Y2K3 results to date: 11 wins - 4 losses   :)

Date Location Play Level Format Surface Teammates End Result Notes
6/07/03 Fort Myers, FL BB Doubles Sand Rich 5-2
3rd Place
Neither Rich or I has played ANY outdoor ball for 7 or 8 months.  Considering that, I think we did quite well. Besides serving, our skills were pretty solid.   Except for 1 team, all of the competition was good.  I think we had a very good shot of winning it but in the end, the extreme heat and humidity really hurt us.  Our first short court experience. I'm not a big fan of it. With side out scoring, it makes the matches go waaaay too long. A good prep for the Rumble.
8/3/03 Avondale, PA BB Quads Grass Rich, Sue, Jonna 6-2
Haven't played this event since moving to FL.  One of my favorites.  We played with 2 women, a first for us.  We did well, went 6-2 and could have easily went 8-0 with a few breaks.  Overall I played decent but had some really bonehead moments to even it out. My first rally scoring event.  I didn't like it. It made me very tentative with my serve.  All the fun came to a crashing halt when the skies opened up and soaked the field for a good hour.  It was already getting late and rather than risk getting rained on again, or hurting ourselves playing in the muck, we bagged it, (like many other teams did) Regrettably, it was the right thing to do. Oddly enough, my shoulder hurts more than my knee after this one.  This could be my last tournament action of 2003.  Only 2 tournaments, unreal. 



Last updated 08/19/08