Want to see more of Buttons?
AKA - Buds, Lumpkin, Buddha.

buttonsroly.jpg (43307 bytes)  buttonsondaybed.jpg (195316 bytes) Budsonback.jpg (65844 bytes)  Ali and Buds 2.jpg (63435 bytes)

Buttons is the youngest cat, but the second oldest fid.  She has the middle child complex and goes through her stages.  She loves to sprawl out on her back and roly-poly side to side.  She will hold a conversation very well.  She doesn't like to be called fat - prefers 'hairy'.  She requests daily 'drippies' - after the shower she likes to have the excess water (in your hair) dripped on her.  She will also let you know when you've invaded her personal space, but has no problem invading yours unless you are holding her arch enemy - the vacuum!  Not so crazy about our latest addition to the family, Nicki.

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