Pictures from May 2003

We have been quite busy trying to finish up the hard labor work before the brutal heat and humidity of summer hits.  Well we were too late!!  It has been in the 90's and humid for the better part of the last month.  The big project was the completion of the back landscaping behind the pool.  That project involved 2 dump trucks of a dirt and endless shoveling on my part.  The finished product looks good.  Also included are pics of our mosquito magnet and some other little landscaping I did like a palm plant area, compost bin landscaping, updated fish pond pics and a little rose bush garden area. We finally got the driveway finished as well.  I also threw in some recent sunset pics and the new bathroom shelves I put up. Thrilling!!!!!

The other notable pictures are the ones of a baby alligator we found in our fish pond!!!  I couldn't believe it.  What is next?
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