Pics from 2001 Rehoboth Tournament

jhit.jpg (46534 bytes)
Jim hits one down
jimd.jpg (64045 bytes)
Diving save by Jim
jjumpset.jpg (49814 bytes)
Beach jumpset?
rhit.jpg (60659 bytes)
Rich aims for the back corner
rhit1.jpg (42955 bytes)
Break a window
richd.jpg (43735 bytes)
Diving dig
rpoke.jpg (47114 bytes)
Patented cut against Weeeeee's team
shawnd.jpg (43161 bytes)
Diving save
shit.jpg (61353 bytes)
Blocker is a midget
shit1.jpg (71940 bytes)
One of a few good hits
spass.jpg (54820 bytes)
Early morning pass
spass1.jpg (35194 bytes)
Bad form, good result